Total Knee Replacement is a surgical alternative for treating severe osteoarthritis of the knee. Worn down cartilage and bone are causing so much inflammation that it feels like walking will never feel good again. Surgical replacement with ceramic or metal parts can sound intimidating, but thanks to modern technologies and advanced medical practices, getting a knee replacement is a routine procedure, with very little time in the hospital. In fact, most patients can go home the day of surgery.

If you have not yet talked to your provider or orthopedic surgeon, consider the following points to decide if you might need knee replacement surgery.

  • You have severe arthritis knee pain that affects your daily life. Getting out of bed, walking around your home, or standing for a short amount of time is an ordeal that you dread when you wake up in the morning.
  • You are unable to participate in activities that you used to enjoy. You used to keep up with your kids or grandkids at home or take leisurely strolls in the neighborhood. Now, you look for reasons to not do those things.
  • You are worried about the pain getting worse and how that could affect your future. You keep thinking, “It hurts now, how much worse will it be later?”
  • You want a better quality of life. After failing less invasive modalities to address the pain, many patients just want to be able to walk again.

According to the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, about 790,000 knee replacements are performed each year. An additional consideration is that Medicare now covers knee replacement as an outpatient procedure, allowing nearly all patients to recover at home where they are most comfortable. This not only contributes to a more positive outcome in recovery, but noticeably reduces the total cost of the procedure altogether.

If you have been suffering with knee pain, do not wait a minute more to schedule an appointment and take the next steps toward knee replacement surgery. Contact us today and allow yourself the opportunity to change your life for the better.