Even though the summer months are over, it doesn’t mean that you have to coop yourself up in your apartment and put your workout routine on hold. There are plenty of winter activities to enjoy in the upcoming season. However, it is important to make sure that you prepare yourself properly before performing any activity to avoid injuries.

What are Common Wintertime Injuries?

There’s an array of winter activities that you can partake in such as, skiing, skating, snowboarding, and sledding. These are all fun and enjoyable winter pastimes, yet they can lead to various injuries. Among the most common ones are slips and falls, dislocations, concussions, fractions, and sprains.

How to Prevent Injuries?

To get the most out of your winter activity and help prevent injuries from freezing your fun, keep these simple tips handy before hitting the rink or slopes.


Before jumping into any physical activity, it is crucial to prepare the body first. A proper warm-up has plenty of benefits:

  • It will boost the blood flow.
  • Bring the heart rate up.
  • Increase flexibility.
  • Increase body temperature.

Keeping the muscles warm and loosened up will reduce the risk of an injury, such as muscle pull or joint injury. A quick warm-up will also help improve overall performance. Simple movements e.g. running in place, squats, and arm circles are enough to prepare the body for more strenuous exercises.

Know Your Limits

If you’re interested in taking up a new winter sport, it’s crucial to recognize your own boundaries. Don’t be overly ambitious and try complicated ice skating tricks or attempt a slope that far exceeds your current level of expertise. Slowly accustom yourself to the new activity and then once you’ve mastered the basics, increase your level of difficulty staying in tune with your limits.

Get Rest

Taking a break from your activities is highly recommended. Giving your muscles time to recover will result in re-energizing your body and being able to perform better next time. Too much physical activity without proper rest will lead to fatigue, inflammation, and an increased likelihood of getting injured.

Wear Appropriate Clothes

Lower temperatures yield for more clothing layers. Winter attire protects you from frostbite, windburn, and sunburn. Make sure that the apparel that you choose is flexible enough not to limit your moves and increase the chance of hurting yourself.

Check the Weather Forecast

Always check the forecast before hitting the road. You may not want to be stuck on a slope when the conditions are dangerous.

If you get injured while enjoying the slopes or ice skating, or have questions on how to prevent injuries this upcoming season, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will help you get back on your feet or answer any questions you may have so that you can appreciate all activities the winter season has to offer.